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Mary Anne's husband here again with a brief announcement: A Golden Forever, the second book in Mary Anne's Forever series, is now available in paperback from CreateSpace. It will eventually arrive on; when it does, I will provide a link to it on the book list page.

In the meantime, enjoy my wife's blog entry about Michael Jackson the romance novelist below. AOFM, a.k.a. Hubby, out.


The husband here, reporting for duty.

I have been doing other things besides reading my wife's book, Brotherly Love, believe it or not. Avoiding stabbing myself in the neck or running out in front of a Greyhound bus while screaming in terror, for instance.

Not a big fan of the romance genre. Sorry.

Anyways, one actual useful thing I've been doing is getting A Faerie Fated Forever ready for paperback. To be blunt, I never liked the original job I did on the cover design. It seemed a bit amateurish to me, which is strange because it was not the first one I ever did (that one was E-Mail Enticement). So I took the opportunity to change the front cover and make it a little more professional looking.

You should now see the new cover on our website, both in the sidebar and, of course, in the Complete List of E-Books page. I will look into how difficult it is to change the cover on the e-book sites. If it's worth the trouble, you'll be seeing the new cover on those as well.

And where else will you be seeing the new Faerie cover, you may ask? Why, on the paperback of course! The CreateSpace page is up for it already, but it won't be active until we get the proof copy and make sure everything is acceptable for you, the reader. The Amazon page selling the paperback will be up and running shortly after that.

Announcement time from Mary Anne's husband here!

Thanks to the wonderful new technology of print-on-demand (or as they call it in publishing circles, POD), we now present to you Mary Anne's first book, Brotherly Love, in paperback form!

You may purchase Brotherly in all of its solid, material, flingable glory from two online POD publishers, Lulu and CreateSpace.

We will publish the remaining titles as paperbacks on CreateSpace and link them via our Complete List of E-Books section here on the Quacking Alone weblog. We published Brotherly as a paperback on Lulu before we realized the advantages of using CreateSpace instead - the main advantage being a lower price to you, the customer. It doesn't hurt that CreateSpace is an company either, and that they distribute books via Target Stores in some cases.

As always, we will still make Mary Anne's titles available as e-books through Kindle, Mobipocket, Smashwords, and Lulu. These are the quickest and most cost-effective means of getting content out to you, so we wouldn't dream of cutting off these channels to you technologically savvy romance lovers out there, what with your iPhones and Kindles and all.

I simply recommend that you don't hurl such expensive pieces of machinery towards somebody's noggin - buy a nice paperback for that sort of thing, mmkay? You'll thank me later.

UPDATE 04/30/2009: Remember what I said about Well guess what? Here it is, the paperback on Amazon.

It's almost like being a new Daddy again. With more sleep and less baby spewage.

Hi people, it's Mary Anne's hubby here. I just wanted to announce to the regular readers of this blog (both of you) that we're not just twiddling our thumbs here, we are making substantial efforts to bring Mary Anne's books to you in physical form, like with molecules and all that jazz.

The digital (i.e., electron-only) forms of her books will still be available, of course, but I know a lot of you out there are much like me - it ain't real if you cain't throw it towards somebody's head. So for us Luddites (yeah, I'm an IT guy who's a Luddite - it's like an Amish electrical engineer), Mary Anne is going to have paperback, print-on-demand versions of her books.

This involves a little effort from Yours Truly. And by a little effort, I mean a backbreaking Sisyphean task that will have me cursing like a sailor and consulting my friend Mr. Brick on exactly how to shatter the skulls of programmers who made the software involved in this brand new form of self-publishing.

So hang on kiddies. New things are coming your way! And if you're lucky, they're not hard and brick-shaped...