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It's Mr. Angry, playing movie critic here. There are spoilers of the Blade Runner movies in this post, so don't read this if you haven't seen and want to watch them.

I was feeling some nostalgia about the Blade Runner movies the other day - the original and its sequel Blade Runner 2049. The original was released for theaters in 1982 and has been revised numerous times into lastly the "final cut" which was released in 2007.

...continue reading "The Blade Runners – Changing Themes"

Hi there, children, it's me the Obese Guy with Anger Issues. It's been awhile, I know, what took me so long to update blah blah blah make me a sandwich and get me a Capri Sun and shut the hell up.

My darling wife the Crazy Duck and Little Yappy Dog Lady and I have finally done it. We've raised our two boys into full-fledged men. I've got to say it was a team effort and I'm extremely proud of the job we've done.

...continue reading "Empty Nest, Somewhat (May 2019)"

The husband here.

You may want to read my previous post, Logic vs. "The New Abortion", before diving into this one.

The Democrat Party has horrible roots, and from what I can tell has not changed.

But now, due to its wholesale endorsement of socialism, thanks to ignorant imbeciles like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (who doesn't seem to know or understand that socialism in all its forms has never worked for any country that has tried it), the Democratic Party is in the process of destroying itself. That is, if it allowed to do so by the alphabet media outlets and their kings.

And on top of that, as if that wasn't enough, the national level of the party has put practically all of its eggs into the infanticide basket. It should be renamed to the Baal Party.

...continue reading "The Party of Baal"

Fat Husband Dude here.

As you have all heard by now, New York has signed a new abortion law into effect and Virginia is in the process of signing one, once they get through with all of the political idiocy they're involved in.

In essence, according to the politicians themselves who approved of these laws, the "new abortion" includes infanticide.

If we compare these new laws with the traditional "pro-choice" arguments, they fall flat on their faces. This is not religion we're talking about here folks, this is the slippery slope that happens when consistency and logic are thrown out of the window.

Two of the main arguments given for abortion are as follows, along with criticism showing the laws and their support to be utterly hypocritical:

1. The pushback against these laws are basically an attempt to destroy Roe v. Wade.
Most people never completely understand the issues about which they get outraged. All they know is what they're told by their masters, according to whatever narrative is beneficial to this ruling class.
So they pretty much think that Roe v. Wade, a U.S. Supreme Court decision, is proper law (which it isn't; Congress must create the law first, which has never happened for abortion). They also think that no abortion whatsoever can be restricted. Wrong.

From a summary of the Roe v. Wade case:
During the third trimester, the danger to the woman’s health becomes the greatest and fetal development nears completion.  In the final trimester the state’s interests in protecting the health of the mother and in protecting the life of the fetus become their most compelling.  The state may regulate or even prohibit abortions during this stage, as long as there is an exception for abortions necessary to preserve the life and health of the mother.

Considering that the most restrictive anti-abortion laws in the U.S. have exceptions for the health of the mother, the addition of the third trimester procedures is not needed to protect Roe v. Wade. The decision plainly says that states can even prohibit abortion at the third trimester, if the state finds it necessary.

Roe v. Wade stands without infanticide.

2.  It is the woman's body which is sacrosanct and her reproductive rights are impinged if these laws are not approved.

This is the worst violation of logic possible, if one takes the governor of Virginia's words to be true (emphasis added):

[I]f a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother. So I think this was really blown out of proportion.

If the infant is delivered, you are no longer dealing with the woman's body.

There is a brand new body that is involved: the infant's!

And thus we have the inconsistency and hypocrisy. And a child which has its own body already removed from the woman's womb, killed.

Now the question is, who is next?


Angry Old Fat Man here. It's been a really big political week, so that essentially is what I'll talk about.

The thing that shocked me the most because of its lack of necessity and display of naked power against the very citizenry it's supposed to protect is the arrest of Roger Stone. Below is a video of it, occurring just before 6:00 AM on January 25, 2019:

I don't care about the man's politics as much as I care about how he was treated for the crimes for which he's accused, which was perjury and witness tampering.

The indictment can be found at this link.

Now, one of the so-called crimes that Roger Stone is accused of is getting information from Wikileaks that supposedly came from Russian hackers of a DNC e-mail server and giving this information to Donald Trump, who used it to ruin the 2016 campaign of Hillary Clinton and cost her the election that she was practically sure to win otherwise.

Let's say, just for the sake of argument, that this is all true. It's not anywhere near true, by the way, but to explore a particular mystery that I'm about to mention, let's say it is.

Here is


...continue reading "The Question That Is Never Asked"

Well, as I said before, I got a new mobile phone for Christmas, and it's nice; works great, good sound, good cameras, etc.

I also got a new stereo for my car, which is low-budget for these days but still has more features than I usually care for (CD, USB, Bluetooth, and an auxiliary socket - wow, 4 additional inputs than the radio AND a way to talk on the phone hands-free). I tried wiring it myself, but misunderstood the instructions and had to take it to Soundwave Car Audio & Security to get it properly installed at a great price and very quickly done (1 hour). Once I did that, everything there worked like a charm.

...continue reading "Another Gremlin Attack… Ugh"

Angry here.


We've had a good Christmas at the household. I got a new mobile phone, and the rest of us got very good gifts (some needed, some not so much, but you know...).

But most of all, we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ today. We may not know His exact birthday, but we do know He was born. Because of Him, mankind will eventually know peace and experience salvation, despite our fallen nature.

...continue reading "Merry Christmas, Even To Stupid Politicians"

Angry Old Fat Man here. My mobile phone is dead.

Actually, it was dropped a couple of times in the past year or two and doesn't display or sense screen input anymore. It was a very nice Samsung smartphone, very expensive when I paid for it. It had an outstanding camera which took beautiful pictures even in low light. It had 32 GB of RAM which allowed me to load a large number of apps if I so desired (a grocery list one and a couple games were great). It allowed me to get on the Internet from practically anywhere and look up important stuff, like the date when Abe Vigoda died (you have to be pretty old to get that joke). And most importantly it had an alarm clock that got me up every morning without an annoying buzzing noise.

But yeah. Phone dead. No texting, talking, or alarming.

Being an old fart like myself, though, has made me hate anything and everything "smart". I like the good old days, when everything was dumb.

...continue reading "Dumb is Better"

Hello kiddies, it's me the Irritated Dude again.

The family had a pretty good Thanksgiving this year. My Mom was still in emotional recovery from losing Dad, but then again, she had been married to the man for over 50 years. She married him when she was roughly 17 years old, so it's completely understandable.

Also, she lives alone so she's found that she has to take care of things around the house that my father formerly did. I offered to help her, but I'm not in the best health myself and she has a lot of trouble thinking that I'm competent enough, so that's that. Besides, my sister visits her a lot with my Mom's youngest (and last) grandchild, and Mom has a few friends in the neighborhood to help her out as well.

So we didn't go to her house for Thanksgiving. However, my oldest son came down from New York for a week, and he wanted his Grandma's Thanksgiving specialty: homemade dumplings. For some reason my Mother refers to them as "pastry", but I'm guessing it's an old North Carolina thing where her side of the family originates.

That meant that I had to make the dumplings. I didn't do the job as well as my Mother, but it was sufficient for my boy, and he ate a decent amount of them along with the turkey I cooked.

We even fed the dog, who promptly went into a food coma. He loves turkey anyway, but he couldn't stop on the Thanksgiving bird until he passed out.

Before my oldest son had to return to his workplace up North, I treated him to two cinematic masterpieces via my streaming services:

The Godfather, and The Wolf of Wall Street. He mostly enjoyed them, though the latter movie was a bit cringeworthy for him.

For the latest news, Macron has proven to the French people how incompetent he is and how he doesn't understand the importance of looking out for the interests of his nation.

They have expressed how unhappy they are with his poor leadership with not just civil unrest, but violence.

Good going, you dimwit.