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Angry Old Fat Man here, with a stupendous announcement:
I got the Christmas tree up! YAY!

We had to get a much smaller tree, thanks to Little Yippy Dog.

We also decided to change up the ornaments. We had a lot of ornaments in various sizes and shapes with pics of our boys in them with Santa. The first several were clear snowflake ones. So we decided to change all of the ornaments to snowflake ones, thanks to Snapins.

We kept a few other ones that were hand-made, but one in particular was metal and glass, and we decided to put the newest member of the family in it:

Happy Holidays to you and your kin!

Of course, today we remember the largest terrorist attack on American soil, which occurred on September 11, 2001. That was exactly 18 years ago, and many children who were born on that day are no longer officially children. They are of voting age and meet the age of sexual consent in all states of our Union. In other words, they are adults.

However, because of sheer ignorance and in too many cases stupidity, they don't really know what happened that day. In 2012, I wrote a summary of the event and what it meant to many us who actually saw it and experienced it.

Let me sum it up as factually and as simply as possible for the benefit of our new adults.

On September 11, 2001, 19 foreign hijackers (the majority being Saudis) took control of 4 passenger jet airplanes. They proceeded to crash the airplanes into 3 buildings and an open field. The buildings were the 2 towers of the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington DC.

The open field was in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. This was obviously not the hijackers' target. There is evidence that the target was either the U.S. Capitol building or the White House, and that the airplane was diverted in some way, either internally by the passengers or shot down by our warplanes.

After the impact of the 2 planes, both towers of the World Trade Center collapsed because of structural damage and fire. No magic, no rigged explosives, nothing of that nature.

The Pentagon collapsed on the wall where the passenger jet impacted it. The rest of the building was constructed to withstand all sorts of military attacks, so it didn't suffer damage like the civilian buildings in NYC. It did, however, suffer from a large passenger crashing into it at approximately 500 mph, which penetrated the reinforced concrete walls towards the inner portions.

Unlike some goofy French tabloid-level articles and books, there was plenty of evidence showing pieces of the passenger jet and even its identification numbers. Plenty of live witnesses, no missiles, no holograms, no rigged explosives.

Now, go check out my first summary written in 2012, and don't wallow in ignorance.

The Angry Old Webmaster for Quacking Alone here.

Many apologies for the bad news I'm about to break to our readers and people who hate the things I blog about and want to tell me how wrong I am, but for some ungodly reason, the website comments no longer work.

This is not anything to do with censorship or any such thing, but is strictly due to technical problems that I have no idea how to solve.

I figure it has to do with our last huge website update, which involved the attempt to make the site compliant with mobile devices. Google told the world that it was necessary to make websites functional to their specifications, so if we wanted to continue our existence on the biggest presence on the interwebs, we had to do it.

But now our user comments don't work, even though I have tried my utmost best to make them functional, it ain't happening.

Once again, boys and girls, I apologize for my lack of tech skills.

The Obese Man with Anger Issues here.

I gotta tell you, there are few things that make me more angry than pure, unadulterated ignorance.

So there is ignorance that is very understandable, for instance like quantum mechanics, regular old vehicle mechanics, computer operations, etc. etc.

Then there is stuff that is easily decipherable as garbage, but because of huge amounts of propaganda and gullible fools, is spread upon the society as if it was the gospel truth.

Let's look at slavery, particularly the American variety which was restrained to blacks from the continent of Africa.

...continue reading "Slavery – Common Sense vs. Conventional Ignorance"

Angry Old Fat Man here, boys and girls.

America landed on the moon on my third birthday. That's right, I was born exactly three years before mankind took their first steps on a different celestial body, our moon.

Unbelievably, there are fools out there who not only don't believe we did this, but also believe we faked the footage live and they advertise this misinformation to influence the young and the extremely gullible:

Thank God we have people who are not only knowledgeable, but have a sense of humor.

There are numerous Internet memes that have an "expanding brain" sequence, which shows a brain and/or spirit expanding from a Homer Simpson sized nugget up to a galactic sized ethereal enlightened soul.

I found one the other day that addressed the moon landing:

Enjoy! The Eagle has landed!