Hey there, Fatty McMadDude here.
2020 is past us now. YAY!
It was an extremely bad year for everyone, mainly because of the virus that never went away. Or at least never did by the time "experts" predicted it would. They said we'd have to put up with it for a few months.
Well, it's 2021 and my family STILL has to wear masks and "socially distance". And now that Biden is President, those things won't be going away any time soon.
Biden will be sitting in the big chair in the Oval Office as of tomorrow, and all of the supposed ills of society caused by Trump won't be going away; as a matter of fact I predict they'll get worse, much worse.
Remember how Obama got rid of racism during his 8 years? Got that economy going into overdrive and made us all rich? Pretty much fixed all of the bad stuff George W. did in HIS 8 years? Well, look for the same sort of fixing to get done with Joe and Kamala. Except even worse.
I would lay out all of my predictions here and now, but there's proper places and times for things and this ain't it.
Good news though. Mary Anne's muse has been whispering to her occasionally and she's been writing a little. Hopefully the muse will start its screaming again and you may see some results from it.
In the meantime, love and anger, boys and girls.
Angry Old Fat Man